reminds me of Speedy and Jimmy check out Dave Bunker on Youtube lots to see
plus Ralph Novak said you have to pay tribute to a true innovator
his site is here
click here more posts soon - just getting a second wind as some new guitar designs require a lot of preparation. stuff so complex I need to submit copy to pay tribute!
I feel stupid talking about the idea of "new history" does anyone want to go out on a limb and tell me when old history ended and new history began? in relation to what? let me cut to the chase. people are making reproductions of classic guitars. beat up like they have been played to death. is that the equivalent of a civil war re-enactment? what is the point of a civil war re-enactment? is anyone going to change the result? just to see what could happen? an amazing modern history. plus the saddest offer of all anyone want to use these designs? they are OPEN SOURCE!
with a duty of care
maybe look at this video
the first question I asked without knowing about a time line was, when was this made?
looks like yesterday. no, strike that, today.
before I go ahead i would like to say that this is not an electric guitar it is a semi-acoustic guitar. but that is obvious.
this is difficult - read the whole story from the home page
click here it is not so much something has ended it is that a design is still alive and can be advanced.